Milan 18m2

The largest and most adaptable of the range expands our offering while further enhancing our excellent design elements and allowing for greater furnishing alternatives . The working area can now cater easily and safely for two remote working personnel and offers greater long term benefits should the unit be utilised as a multi purpose space for entertainment, studio or living accommodation.

product dimensions

milan garden office floor plan_ 
Front wall 5.25 m
Side wall 3.75 m
Area ~ 19.69 m2
Wall height 2.5 m
Height of roof  2.5 m
Patio doors 2.00 x .2.00 m 1 pcs.
Window 0.55 x 1.10 m 1 pcs.


product specifications

Insulation 100mm & 50mm Thermal & Acoustic – A Rating 
Wall Configuration  125mm
Windows & Doors Double glazing 
Furniture Height adjustable desk, ergonomic chair & storage
Security HKC Wireless alarm & External Sensor Light 
WIFI (Optional) Secure connectivity 
Financing Available over 3-5 years
Cost Prices will vary depending on final dimensions and specs
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